Monday, October 27, 2014


 Ernest, in my opinion had an amazing skill when it came to writing. His ability to innuendo the bigger meanings or events within the story inspired me to do the same. After reading some of his pieces I've realized that he wasn't as bad as others told me he was. Ernest as a writer I enjoyed, with the exception of the bullfighter stories (I don't like bullfights.) Overall his writing was decent and entertaining. 
Ernest as a person I have mix feelings about. Although he seemed to be a good father from what I heard from his biography I was not really fond of his way of life. Although he seemed to be somewhat cool as time progressed and he grew famous I started to notice how he gradually started to change his view on himself and in a way, become more self centered. This could be viewed in both a good and bad way. For me the thing I actually disliked was how many affairs and love lives he developed while still in other relationships or dating. I just didn’t find that to be right at all; it looked a bit selfish to me.
Although I might have thought that wasn’t right of him to do, in a way I saw why he would think like that in the first place. I do know that he’d suffer through several depressions and ultimately died by his own hand. I would understand where he would be coming come since I too used to be in a very depressive state and was suicidal at one point. (Not anymore though.) To be honest no one really experiences it the same way but I would understand the loneliness and all the pain he had gone through.
So when it comes to Ernest I give him props for being a great writer and to an extent a great person. Although he did do some questionable things in during his lifetime it will never take away the fact that he was an amazing writer, and for that I respect him.